The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has required all telecommunications companies to provide customers who subscribe to telephone service with toll-free, three digit dialing access to Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). This allows anyone using a Text Telephone (TTY) or a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) to connect with anyone using a standard telephone. The FCC has adopted the use of the 711 dialing code for access to TRS. TRS permits persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or without such disabilities. For more information, visit the FCC website at

TRS is a service available to all Smartaira VoIP customers to facilitate telephone conversations with individuals who may have hearing or speech disabilities through TRS operators, called communications assistants (CAs). For more information about TRS, see the FCC’s consumer fact sheet.

Using the TRS Services

Relay Service is available 24/7. There is no extra charge to use the relay service.

TRS Service allows you to make any call you would like and talk as long as you would like.

  • Typically, a person with hearing and speech disabilities will dial 711 to contact a TRS communications assistant, who will facilitate the call with the other party. The caller will use a text input device to give the assistant the number they wish to call. When the other party answers the call, the assistant will ask, “Hello, this is the relay service. Have you received a relay call before?” The assistant will then acts as an intermediary, relaying the text of the caller in voice to the other party, and converting back what the other party said to text for the caller.

For any inquiries or if you would like more information, please send an email to